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🖤 NERO 🖤 Sir Nero Of Erka Castle 🖤


19.05.2008 – 02.09.2024 – 16 Jahre / years 3,5 Monate / months


We have needed some time to come to terms with the death of our faithful companion. 😓😓

For a long time you enriched our lives and went through thick and thin with us, but now the book of your life is closed.

We recently celebrated your 16th birthday, finished the 16th chapter and started the new, 17th chapter… Now we have to say goodbye and close the last chapter in the book of your life early and forever. 💔💔


Every chapter is filled with great stories, experiences and memories of you. We carry these in our hearts and so you live on in our hearts and will always be with us. These fond memories of you always fill our eyes with tears, but they also always warm our hearts and bring a smile to our faces.


You were the most faithful, loving, understanding, loyal companion and mate anyone could wish for and always there for us. There are not enough words to describe you.


Even though we are paralysed by grief at the moment, we are very grateful that you gave us your whole life and that we had these many years with you. We would have loved to have had even more time with you… we and your mates will miss you.

One day we will see you again…..until then: Run‘ little Nero and come well over the Rainbow Bridge!!! 🌈🌈🌈